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Category Science

The Big Bang Theory in 9 Questions

In this article, I will answer 9 questions about the big bang theory. The big bang theory is the theory that we once considered most likely to happen in today’s world and accepted as true; “How did the universe begin?”…

The Lesbian Lizards (No, they’re not from Lesbos)

In the southwestern deserts of the United States and northern Mexico, lives a very peculiarspecies of reptile. The New Mexico Whiptail (Aspidoscelis neomexicanus) is a natural hybrid of two differentspecies of lizards, the Little Striped Whiptail (Aspidoscelis inornatus) and the…

Some Space Stuff (SSS)

Space.It’s amazing, but you already knew that.From teeny-tiny specs of dust to stars so big they make our sun feel insignificant to beautifully colored galaxies, space is filled with mysteries we may never resolve. Although celestial bodies are unreachable, being…